Commercial Diving Services
Service Pages (click on a service page to learn more!)
- Hull Cleaning
- Propeller Polishing
- Propeller Repair / Rudder Repair
- In-Water Repair Services
- Underwater Welding / Cutting / Burning
- Anode Replacement
- ICCP Anode Replacement
- Thruster Exchange and Repair
- Marine Construction
- Custom Engineered Cofferdams
- Heavy Lifts & Rigging
- Stern Seal Repairs & Underwater Seal Replacement
- UWILD Video Inspection
- Marine Consulting
Listed Services
- Hull cleanings vertical side & Flat bottom
- Inspections video, visual, photographic, thickness, etc
- Class approved inspections-ABS, Lioyds register, DNV-GL, etc
- Propeller polishing & repairs
- Transducer repair and change outs
- Entanglement removal (maine propulsion and thrusters)
- Sea chest cleanings & repair
- Over board blanking’s for valve change outs
- Anode replacements (thrusters, rudders, rope guards, bilge keels, stern area, etc)
- Permanent shell plate weld repairs with cofferdam backing
- Seawall inspection and repair
- Rudder weld repairs, removals and installations
- Tunnel thruster repairs, removal and installation
- Engineering services for cofferdams, diving procedures, etc
- Stabilizer repairs
- Shaft seal repairs with afiliated companies
- Welding & burning, doubler late repairs
- Bilge keel weld repairs or removals
- Azimuth thruster change outs
- Spool piece repairs wth cofferdam backing
- Search and recovery (anchor & chain, equipment, etc)
- ROV, sonar, multibeam, survey support available
- Marine construction, pipeline inspections, flood gate inspections

Contact TCD Today!
Please feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.